Bonsai Pictures

20 September 2011

time to prepare the winter quarters

When will the 2011 Ice Age begin?

We are having the first cool mornings in Savannah forewarning of the soon-to-come autumn. With that snap in the air, it’s time to prepare the winter quarters of the cold sensitive trees............... 

  • Each winter, on average, our risk of frost is from November 24 through March 1.
  • Almost certainly, however, we will receive frost from December 14 through February 10.
  • We are almost guaranteed that we will not get frost from March 20 through November 4.
  • Our frost-free growing season is around 268 days.

November 21-30

light, moderate, or hard?
  • Light freeze: 29°F to 32°F—tender plants killed, with little destructive effect on other vegetation.
  • Moderate freeze: 25°F to 28°F—widely destructive effect on most vegetation, with heavy damage to fruit blossoms and tender and semi-hardy plants.
  • Severe freeze: 24°F and colder—damage to most plants.


New Benches 

Ficus Burtt davyi "nana"

The level of available potassium in the soil will increase a tree’s frost resistance.

Baby, It's Cold Outside: Blame It on the Blizzard\Deep Freeze\Melting Point     Deep Freeze      When Hell Freezes Over: A Novel  

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