Bonsai Pictures

14 November 2011

When keeping bonsai indoors.........

'Warm House' Bonsai 
Umbrella Tree  
Hawaiian Schefflera
Schefflera arboricola

When keeping bonsai indoors, There are 'Cool House' Bonsai and 'Warm House' Bonsai. Cool House refers to trees that are not as cold tolerant, and need winter protection from freezing or severe cold. Most of these trees still need a winter hibernation period for their health. Most homes are far too warm for such trees to be kept in the living areas of a home. Here in the coastal Georgia/South Carolina area trees that can be kept in a "warm house" are best: Ficus, Schefflera, Buttonwood, Norfolk Island Pine, Texas Ebony, Brazilian Raintree, Fukien Tea, Jacaranda, Black Olive, Nicodemia, Aralia, Jades. With our not so cold winter temperatures, it is difficult to keep even unheated rooms cold enough for the required dormancy. It is best to bring in those not as cold tolerant trees only when we have that few days of real winter. Cover with a thermal plant blanket for cold snaps. 


'Cool House' Bonsai
Chinese sweet plum
Sageretia theezans

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