Bonsai Pictures

03 April 2011

Ficus Burtt-davyi "nana".

Dwarf South African Fig (Ficus Burtt-davyi "nana")

South African Fig, Scrambler Fig, and Veldt Fig

Ficus burtt-davyi

small green "figs"

Ficus burtt-davyi

This is a small leafed variety of ficus that makes great bonsai. The leaves can reduce to 5mm or less with strong light. They have an abundance of branches for styling. Defoliate for ramification. 

This ficus produces small green "figs" that turn dark red. Seeds will not be produced outside of its natural range because it needs a pollinator wasp for fertilization. Treat them like any other ficus. Keep the tree uniformly moist during the growing season. Do not let the soil stay constantly wet especially in cool weather. 

Dwarf South African Fig
(Ficus Burtt-davyi "nana")

South African Fig, Scrambler Fig, Veldt Fig

Ficus burtt-davyi make excellent shohin or mame bonsai. 
Aerial roots form quite easily on the ficus burtt-davyi so 
they make great root-over-rock or banyan style bonsai.

Big trunks can be created by fusing several smaller trees together.

The ABC's of Indoor Ficus Trees (Abc's of Indoor Plants, Vol 1) West Coast (South African Wild Flower Guide) (No. 7) The South African 'What Flower is That'?

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