Bonsai Pictures

25 July 2011

Punica Granatum Pomegranate

Punica Granatum

Native to Asia from the Mediterranean to the Himalayas
Cultivated for its desirable fruit which is loved throughout Asia and the Mediterranean
Dwarf Pomegranate Bonsai
Plant and Fruit 

spherical orange-red fruits

Uro: Hole in trunk
with healed edges
Punica Granatum

Double Pink Flower
Punica Granatum

One can sow seeds in the spring for a Misho
Creating bonsai from collected seed costs less and is very rewarding

flowers well when
slightly root-bound

Can be air layered once
spring growth begins to harden

Dwarf Pomegranate Bonsai

A sub-tropical, deciduous tree grown for its brilliant orange-red trumpet-like flowers followed in fall by ornamental, small, spherical-like orange-red fruits. Has dark green leaves. Slow to moderate grower. Deciduous: drops foliage during winter. Protect from hard freeze during winter, If one likes flowers and fruit on bonsai, the Dwarf Pomegranate is excellent! The leaves are smaller and finer. The fruit and flowers are small. The flowers form on the tips of branches. Restrict the growth of long branches but do not prune shorter branches as it will prevent flowering. After flowering cut branches and shoots to just one or two sets of leaves. 

(Punica Granatum var. Nana)

short branches will bear more flowers.

The naturally twisting trunk
 appears to be gnarled and ancient
Wiring needs to be done with care because the branches can be brittle. Roots need to have space to grow, choose a pot that is slightly deeper. The dwarf pomegranate is a shrub about 1 meter tall. The slender branches start out upright then droop gracefully. Unpruned shrubs have a weeping or fountain shaped habit. To encourage flowers and fruit, use a fertilizer that's low in nitrogen but high in both potassium and phosphorous

dark green
narrow leaves


1 comment:

  1. Lovely collection of miniature fruiting trees! Your pomegranates are awesome!

    I have a cheery... here's t link
