Bonsai Pictures

21 January 2012

4710: the Year of the Dragon

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

 "Three Friends of Winter"

For the New Year celebration it is customary to arrange plum blossom cuttings, bamboo, and pine sprigs together in a display. This combination  symbolizes the coming together of friends and families; the Chinese plum (Prunus Mume) blossom signifies reliability and perseverance; the bamboo is known for harmony among people-under adversity it bends, but never breaks; the evergreen pine evokes longevity and steadiness. Together they are called the "Three Friends of Winter" 

2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon

The Year of the Dragon will start on 23 January 2012 
and end on 09 February 2013.

A creature of legend, the dragon is an auspicious symbol of good fortune and power.  It represents the ultimate symbol of success, happiness, and wealth.

Japanese apricot
Chinese plum
 (Prunus Mume)
plum blossom 
reliability and perseverance 


harmony among people

longevity and steadiness

What do we expect in the Year of the Dragon:
  • good fortune
  • good health
  • wealth
  • longevity

After the roller coaster ride of the last few years, we need all the good luck we can get in 2012!


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