Bonsai Pictures

01 June 2012

One of the old time house plants

Parlor Oak- the African buddleia

Buddleia indica
Nicodemia diversifolia 

small clusters of simple yellow flowers

Room Oak
Parlor Oak
Indoor Oak
Oak-Leaf Buddleja

Indoor Oak- Buddleia indica is now included in the figwort family, Scrophulariaceae, though in the past was previously classified in either the Loganiaceae or in a family of its own, the Buddlejaceae.

Buddleia indica
Indoor Oak

oak-like leaves of the African buddleia 

Butterfly Bush......

This native to Madagascar is an evergreen shrub with alternate leaves that are reminiscent of oak leaves. Parlor Oak has light to dark brown bark laced with bright stripes. The simple yellow flowers are small and sit together in small clusters on old wood. The fruit of B. indica is a yellow-white, fleshy berry. Nicodemia is one of the old time house plants that was used extensively from the 1920's to 1940's and is receiving serious interest by tropical bonsai enthusiasts. In the summer it can be kept outdoors. In winter, the Oak-Leaf Buddleja can stay in a cool unheated room as it is uncomfortable with central heating (needs good humidity). Once the surface of the soil is slightly dry, the tree should be watered. When the plant is in the winter cold, it should be watered less often. Keep the soil barely moist and if you use rainwater, be careful as it could be acidic. Use warm water. Avoid using cold water! It can shock tender roots. Fill watering can with tepid water or allow cold water to sit for a while to come to room temperature before watering. Roots need oxygen to breathe: do not allow plants to sit in a tray filled with water for more than an hour. Broom shape and the upright forms can be obtained by selective pruning. The cascade form can be created by wiring or clamps. Parlor Oak can be propagated by cuttings or from seed.


  1. These plants are looking so beautiful and you are using with a nice way i am so impressed with you.
    Thanks for sharing...

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  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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