Bonsai Pictures

21 May 2017

Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar munching on a Serissa

Caterpie munching on a Serissa

Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly caterpillar is green with eyespots.

Serissa are a popular bonsai subject

Serissa grow best in high light and thrive in sunny, warm locations. Better lighting conditions will result in more frequent flowering. Serissa does well in partial shade. Best results are from plants that have sun in the mornings and shade in the afternoons. Expect any Serissa to drop its leaves when temperatures fall to near freezing.

Among the most popular of the Chinese tropical plants, the wild Serissa, also known as “Tree of a Thousand Stars” is known for thousands of small white flowers, and characteristic raised roots. Most Serissa Imports are the Thousand Stars.
USDA Zones 7 - 11

Serissa foetida
Serissa as a Bonsai, trunk in dragon shape, ca. 16 years.

The dragon is a symbol of happiness in Buddhism, the shape of a dragon is often found in the design of bonsai.

Japanese Boxthorn, 1951-2007

A Japanese Boxthorn (Serissa japonica) bonsai on display at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the United States National Arboretum.
According to the tree's display placard, it has been in training since 1951. It was donated by Shu-ying Lui.

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