14 August 2011

Looks like bamboo, is called bamboo, but isn't bamboo.


Pogonatherum crinitum
 "bamboo-like" stalks

 Pogonatherum crinitum
"German Bamboo"
"Bamboo Grass" Jin Si Cao

Baby Panda Bamboo
House Bamboo Jin Si Mao

Cat teasel, Salsola grass, fox tail, pens to be grass, oxtail grass, Rattus grass, itachi-gaya- weasel saw grass.
Pogonatherum crinitum
"bamboo-like" leaf  blades

A delicate grass with tiny, clumping erect "bamboo-like" stalks, clothed with sea-green  "bamboo-like" leaf blades. Fabulous when displayed as a bonsai.

Looks like bamboo, is called bamboo, but isn't bamboo.

Give this Asian native a moist, but well drained soil. Baby Panda Bamboo likes a lot of water. If outdoors in the summer it can sit in a saucer of water. Needs a few hours a day of solar light. Fertilize periodically; in the spring use a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and potassium, to encourage the development of new vegetation and of flowerings. Selectively remove “culms” to keep this grass attractive and to encourage new shoots.

Protect from hard Freezing.

Pogonatherum crinitum
a delicate species 
Fabulous as a bonsai

Pogonatherum crinitum has long been used as a folk remedy for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases in Taiwan. Baby Bamboo is used worldwide as a houseplant. When the grass becomes too tall, trim the plant back so it can rejuvenate.

Miniature Bamboo Grass
Pogonatherum paniceum

Bamboos Bamboo: Structure and Culture Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation

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